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This is to serve as a glossary of terms. Many of these terms are purely placeholders for very abstract ideas. This list is by no means complete nor the total authority on what these terms mean. It is only mean to serve as reference to make the content of this website more easily understood.


A praxeology on inter-gender dynamics that explains the behaviors of male and female mating strategies in the sexual marketplace that are far different, even the total opposite of what popular cultural conditioning would have one believe. A non-ideological awareness of the lesser known realities about the interplay between the sexes.

The red pill presents truths that contradict the conventional wisdom and commonly accepted beliefs about romantic relations and courtship. For example, many guys believe that the correct way to attain a woman’s affection is to be a nice, kind, generous, sweet, chivalrous and accommodating provider for her and any needs she may have. At one point in human history, this may have been true, but the red pill points out that it no longer is.

Instead, the praxeology reveals many observations that bring out seemingly contrarian conclusions. Such as:

– Displaying less interest in a woman will elicit more interest from her.
– Treating her like a queen means she will treat you like a slave.
– The emotional fulfillment that can be attained from relationships with women has been sold to men as the purpose of their lives, but strangely men in successful and happy relationships rarely cite the relationship as the catalyst of their overall life satisfaction.
– There is no such thing as relationship equity, full appreciation of efforts, nor equality of contributions to the relationship. You may be keeping track of contributions, but that doesn’t mean she is.
– The love that women can provide to you is not the same as the love you fantasize about and are expecting.
– Women are given a free pass to disregard your emotional needs and if you don’t like it, society thinks you to be less of a man.
– The world has sympathy for women, children and animals. It has none at all for men.

Red pill is the theory on the inner-workings of life.

Represents all of the cultural conditioning and social conventions for how we as men are to behave around women in order to optimize our coexistence with them.

It is also the default way in which mean handle their interactions with women.

What this includes is:

-Putting her on a pedestal
-Showing her that you value her more than yourself
-Canceling plans to spend time with her
-Becoming available for her at the drop of a hat
-Taking her out on expensive dates solely to impress her
-Giving her frequent or expensive gifts solely to win her approval
-Sacrificing one’s needs to satisfy her needs or wants
-Frequently complimenting and validating her
-Walking on eggshells around her so as not to offend her

These are just a few of the behaviors that the world encourages by means of cultural influence and social upbringing. A common phrase from the blue pill Bible is, “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”

A somewhat watered-down version of the red pill. This is the praxeology of the male that has seen red pill truths and is awakened to them, but is gravitating back to blue pill beliefs in some aspects of inter-gender dynamics.

An example of this is knowing and believing the red pill truth about never showing vulnerability to woman because they don’t appreciate it, but then proceeding to become vulnerable with one under the belief that, “This woman is different.” Or knowing that yielding to a woman’s will does not help with preserving or inspiring peace in the relationship nor helping her find favor with you, but still doing it believing, “This woman is worth it.”

The purple pill mixes blue pill ideals into the thinking framework of red pill aware men when it comes to how they handle their relationships with women.

This one is not a new term, but rather a replacement for an old term. Allure refers to your ability to interact with women in a way that leads to the favorable outcome you seek with them. Most guys, particularly in the pickup artist scene, refer to it as “Game”. I’m not a fan of that word because of how butchered it’s become and the bad rap it’s been given has made it almost impossible to open new ears to it. It just sounds douchey and comes with so many negative connotations.

But if we look at what it is at its core, Game is the same thing as Allurement. It’s rarely defined and has become one of those blanket terms that is used to mean anything the user of it wants it to mean. But to define “Allure” in a succinct way, it is “a set of altered behaviors that produce more favorable interactions with women and inspire their deeper interest in the practitioner.”

Post-feminism, this has become a vital skill. No longer do women depend on men for their survival and well-being. They are capable of providing those things for themselves. Therefore, a man that can create memorable experiences, exciting interactions and evoke favorable, emotional feelings within her has broken past a barrier of mere expectations. This is a man that can inspire a little anxiety in her, upset expectations and drive her to the point of desperation. A man with allure is an agent of desperation. Truly irresistible.

Many of the guys that are made miserable because of failed relationships with women, or no relationships with them at all, could have much of their problems solved is they just learned Allure.

Red Pill
Blue Pill

A blanket term used to describe the man that behaves in the optimal way to get what he wants out of life. He does what he wants to do. He does not concern himself with personal rejection or social failure. His needs, wants and feelings come before anyone else’s. No one’s judgments, dirty looks, opinions, or shaming laughter is going to stop him from getting what he wants. He does not ask for permission. If he wants to have sex with a woman, he will use his knowledge and skills to get that desire fulfilled. His actions stem from desire, not insecurity.

He does not qualify himself, nor explain his failures away. He accepts who he is. He does not brag about his successes nor his positive, appealing traits but rather lets them speak for themselves. He does not need to be validated by a woman because he knows that she cannot give unto him anything that he cannot give to himself.

The reinvented man is successful in all aspects of his life, not just women. He runs his own business or works a job that he has a great deal of control over what work he does. He’s financially independent, he’s in great physical shape, has a strong social circle and the women chase him.

He does not care what other people think of him. He does not look in the mirror every few minutes to check to see if he’s hiding his flaws well enough. He makes no apologies for being a man with sexual needs. He does not hide his intentions with women. If a woman does not want intimacy with him, he will move on and find one that does.

This male however is quite the opposite of the reinvented male. His main defining trait is putting women on pedestals while also exhibiting a fear of going after his desires. He does not pursue what he wants because he does not think he is capable of getting it. He worries about the needs of others at the expense of his own. He quietly accepts being disrespected. He seeks out his identity that are unrelated to masculinity, such as his job.

He is extremely timid around women. He’ll waits to receive permission before going after what he wants. He’ll rationalize his failure citing factors and causes that are beyond his control. His belief is that to be successful with women, you have to be born with the skill of being good with them. Or have super-hot model looks and tons of money.

He tries to buy a woman’s affection by showering her with attention and good deeds to her benefit. These are all covert contracts because he is hoping for something in return for all these deeds. He gives out compliments and free validation. Often acts as a “White Knight” or “Captain Save-a-hoe”. A common thought that run through his head are, “I can’t live without her!”

Thoroughly conditioned by the blue pill, the simp is a male that willingly puts himself in a subservient position before a woman in an effort to win her approval. This is done without the woman bringing anything to the table. He puts great value on her without her doing anything to earn that value designation.

He may even use a tremendous amount of traditional chivalry in hopes of getting sexual attention from women. It is even made in to an acronym for “Stooge Idolizing Mediocre Pussy”.


Pimp Sex, Simp Checks (AKA Alpha Seed, Beta Need). This comes up when talking about a female’s mating strategy shift. At a certain age, typically in her 30s, a woman goes from seeking only the reinvented males that she’s sexually aroused by (Pimp Sex) to the more simp male provider types that can support her desired lifestyle (Simp Checks).


Average Frustrated Chump, which is just another term for simp, nice guy, blue pill believer.



​“All women are like that”. This phrase, along with its sister phrase NAWALT (“Not all women are like that”) is used when describing a certain negative attribute or behavior of females, like gold digging. Some comments on a forum, message board, blog post or YouTube video will say one or the other.


Demonstrating higher value. The display of a characteristic, status evidence or behavior that shows greater sexual market value.


Demonstrating lower value. The opposite of DHV.


Intentional inspiration of competition anxiety or jealousy from your partner in a long-term relationship, upsetting expectations of being locked down. Sometimes this can be as explicit as flirting with other women right in front of her. But other times it can be implicit, like the unsolicited attention from other females. Or just having a desirable body or dressing very well is enough to inspire dread because it’s clear other women will be interested in you for that.

This is a blanket term I use to describe a certain attitude and gravitation that prevails throughout all aspects of life. It is favored and perpetuated by society without question. While there is no secret cabal that created this through some genius infiltration plan 100 years ago, it has displayed results that parade a similar effect such a cabal would have.

The concept of the Fempowerment mandate is multi-faceted:

   – Women are not to ever do anything for the express pleasure of a man.

   – Whatever benefits women the most must be chosen, legislated into existence, accepted without question and enforced without mercy.

   – The social order of the world we live in must always prioritize women and make them the primary beneficiaries of society’s laws, conventions and functions.

You see the Fempowerment Mandate at play everywhere. On TV, women are shown to be superior to men intellectually, emotionally and socially. In the workforce, women are praised and promoted in a manner that mimics affirmative action. In all social circles, men are shamed if they fail to be great providers for women. Anything that benefits a woman is celebrated. Anything that benefits a man is secondary and expendable.

​This is a difficult one to define because it’s highly conceptual. It refers to control, need and dominance within the context of interactions during a relationship. I like to use Robert Greene’s law of power #20 to really define this. The person least interested in the relationship is the one that has all the power in the relationship. The one who needs the other the least will have control the most.

When you act out in fear of losing her, you’ve lost the frame. When she shit tests you and you fail to rise above it, you’ve lost the frame. When you give in to her demands in order to keep her, you’ve lost the frame. When you profusely apologize for something that doesn’t legitimately warrant one, beg for forgiveness and self-deprecate to explain your short-coming, you’ve lost the frame.

Once it is lost, it can never be regained. Once it is lost, so too is her respect for you.


A blanket term used to describe how women are able to commit behaviors incongruent with their words. It refers to how they say one thing but do something else entirely different.

This is a cause of so much pain for men in the realm of romance. The dictionary defines it as the practice of marrying above one’s social status or class. But it goes deeper than that. Hypergamy is something so hardwired into women that they aren’t even aware of it themselves. It governs nearly all their decisions about who they’ll love and overpowers nearly anything you do to win their favor.

To summarize it, the term can be described as the socio-economic version of FOMO, or the fear of missing out. It is the dark thought in the back of her mind where she’s questioning herself, “is he the best man I can get?” Based on doubt and fueled by the prevalence of so many other options, a woman’s loyalty currently has become more difficult to secure than ever.

Hypergamy was once something less pronounced and acted upon. But after the wave of the fempowerment mandate and the birth control pill, it has become unfettered. If you ever wonder why it is so hard to win the affections of a woman, this is why. Before, they had to depend on a man to care for them, and the social imperatives at the time made that okay for them to do so. But today, the social imperatives have turned the other way. And the feminist mandate decrees that they always prize themselves as above all men.

While many view this as a negative, it can be twisted into a positive. It is deep in a woman’s evolutionary roots to be with best man of the tribe; the one that displayed the most strength and dominance. While the measurements of the best man today are different from what they were in the tribal days, 100 years of feminism cannot overpower thousands of years of evolution. Becoming and being the better man is a real possibility for you and it will trigger their desire for you on a biological level.


This term refers to a guy that is at-risk of a miserable life and perhaps far worse things. It’s short for “involuntary celibate,” which means the guy wants to get laid but can’t find any women that will grant his wish. It is a tragic existence to yearn for something that one cannot have. It, however, is not something he can’t ever have. He only lacks the knowledge to make it happen.


Long distance relationship


“Let’s just be friends,” a soft rejection from a woman.


Last minute resistance. When a woman gives you all the signals that she wants to have sex with you and even allows you to arrange the circumstances to make it happen, but then stops you at the last minute.



Long term relationship.

Represents all of the cultural conditioning and social conventions for how we as men are to behave around women in order to optimize our coexistence with them.
A men’s group which stands for “Men Going Their Own Way.” This group of males have divorced themselves of their desire for women and no longer pursue them. They’ve found that a cost/benefit, risk/reward analysis on a relationship with a woman fails across the board. The view is not worth the hike.

Many of their complaints are 100% true, which is what makes their philosophy so seductive. Their red pill awareness has become a black pill of cynicism. They view all female behavior as having two motives: openly bad and secretly bad.


Men’s Rights Activist


Men’s Rights Movement


The Nice Guy Syndrome

Blue pill cultural conditioning practically forces every young guy to become this. It starts out often when a guy sees a girl he likes and asks around for advice on how best to win her affection. The usual resources of advice he exhausts are his parents or female friends. They will give him advice, but one that produces the undesired results.

They’ll say he should carry her books at school, buy her flowers, agree with her opinions and compliment her. As males, we have a biological mandate in our minds that is forcing us to want to bang the most attractive women we see. It is a problem in our lives, and being the fixers and problem solvers we are, we do whatever we can to solve this problem. Even do it to an extreme. That’s how nice guys are made.

These nice guys end up going through life as total pushovers, doing everything possible for the happiness of others often at the expense of their own. They pick up the check for the whole party, despite only having an appetizer. They drive people around, despite the destination being far out of their way. They take more abuse from the women in their lives because it is their blue pill view that they are just lucky to have such women in their lives.

The nice guy also takes on many other names and roles as well. Such as the “White Knight” (guy who bends over backwards to save a woman in distress in hopes of being recognized by her for it), the “Orbiter” (guy who is around the woman he adores often but never in a romantic or sexual context), and “Simp”.

An unhealthy attachment to one woman to the point where she is all you can think about and causes you to ignore other women, failing to explore other options. The fixation on this one woman causes a male to display unattractive behaviors like desperation.

One-itis is apparent in thoughts like, “I can’t live without her!” “She’s so perfect for me!” “I must have her!” “I’d do anything for her!” When these thoughts arise, you are in deep danger of One-itis.

This problem is an existential threat to males physically, emotionally, financially and socially.


This refers to the concept of “spinning plates” or dating non-exclusively. A plate is someone you date but do not invest all of yourself into. Rather, they are one of a multitude of people that you are dating at the same time.

Sometimes the plate is not someone you are dating, but someone you are prospecting getting more romantic and intimate with. And they are not the only one, but one of many.


The concept that a woman will find more value in you if it appears that other women find value in you first. If she sees other women are interested in you, then you have been preselected and therefore she is interested in you just for that.

You probably have noticed this in action when you have an exclusive girlfriend already but then other women who ignored you before are suddenly interested in you.



Pick Up Artist, a person who has made it a practiced skill to successfully meet women, collect their phone numbers, get them on dates and eventually have sex. The pickup artist does this not through leveraging good looks or money, but rather with psychology and sociology.

The term was made popular by Mystery, the pickup artist made famous by Neil Strauss’s book The Game, and his VH1 program where he taught his students to build self-confidence, pick up women and transform themselves into attractive men.

A negative connotation around this term has been growing due to the large amount of frauds on the internet claiming to be pickup artists and selling info-products to the average male frustrated in this area. The info-products often have no real value or legitimate help within them. This has led to the prevalence of, which is popular among the Incel subculture.

Further, the term has grown to mean something negative because of an assumed douchey-ness that is perceived to be held by the PUAs.


This is when a woman acts out in a way that is meant to move you off center. It could be something like ignoring a text message from you, flaking on a date, being extra irritating, saying something to offend or belittle you, or maybe saying something that could considered, and I hate using this word, a “micro-aggression”. It’s something they do, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, to test your mettle.

A very common benign shit test is when you’re cold approaching a woman, trying to do allurement on her, but she tells you, “I have a boyfriend,” but she really doesn’t. She’s just saying she does. Some guys will take that as a sign that she’s not interested in you at all. What’s happening here is she’s testing you. She wants to see how you’d react to such information. I know this because I’ve been told that by several women when I did cold approaching on them. I wasn’t moved off center, I’d just respond with something funny like “oh yeah, my last girlfriend had one of those too.” And then later, continuing the conversation with them, I’d learn they didn’t really have one, they were just saying that as a defense mechanism to keep weak ass, low quality guys away.

But perhaps a more vile shit test is when you’re in a relationship with a woman but you want to go out with the guys and have fun with your guy friends. And she starts bitching her head off at you about how she wanted you to spend time with her tonight and how you’re such a bad boyfriend for wanting to do otherwise. Maybe she even lays out in front of you the choice, it’s either them or her, one must go. You fail that shit test by yielding to her, or by trying to defend your choice to go with them, or explain, rationalize, or attempt to negotiate with her unreasonable demands. You pass that shit test by kissing her on the cheek and saying, “I’m gonna miss you then,” and then you pat her on the butt and leave with your friends. It’s like that Brad Paisely song, “I’m gonna miss her.”

These shit tests feel like they’re being done just to cause drama or create unnecessary conflict, but what she’s really doing is making sure you’re man enough for her. If you can’t stand up to her, how can you stand up for her? If you can’t handle her shit, she figures you can’t handle the world’s shit.


​Sexual Marketplace, often referred to as the dating pool. A blanket term for the overall collective population of available sex partners and romantic prospects.

These are unspoken laws and unwritten rules that we adhere to without question. They start at a young age when we are instructed on how to act. They continue throughout life when we’re told what we must do in order to remain in good standing with society. We’ve accepted them without question for so long because they were introduced before we even had the mental ability to raise questions.

These are things like “Go to school and get good grades so you can get a good job.” You have to get a good job to be in good standing with society. Wear clothes, and wear these clothes specifically, because other people think you should. They approve of them. Social imperatives are all about winning the approval of other people. Others are “get married.” “Happy wife, happy life.” Not “happy you” but “happy her”. You get no choice in the matter and you were never consulted when they were established. We didn’t even get to choose our own name.

These social imperatives continue to be thrust upon us even when we’ve reached maturity. Before then, they tell us to go to school, get a good job, be a responsible citizen and a likable person. These aren’t bad things to adhere to. We just don’t have much choice in the matter. After our maturity though, these imperatives become ones that may have less benefit for us. They are:


    – Go to school, get good grades, so you can go to college, where you must get more good grades.


    – Find a good job and climb the corporate ladder. Be a loyal company man.  

   – Get married. Your life is a failure if you can’t get anyone to love you enough to marry you.

   – Do anything and everything to keep that woman you’re married to happy. Happy wife: happy life.

   – You are 100% responsible for her well-being, happiness and quality of life. But you have 0% authority over her.


    – Have kids even if you can't afford them. Don't even worry about costs. Happy wife, happy life.

   – Even if you get divorced, her well-being is still your responsibility.


The Wall

The peak of sexual market value in a woman’s development when her beauty begins to fade due to natural causes, such as aging, and men begin to overlook her to seek out younger women.

A guy that will bend over backwards to defend women who have been attacked or met with misfortune in any way. They abandon their own best friends, start fights and even show levels of aggression not seen from them before in order to “protect” a woman. While this seems like the right thing to do, what must be emphasized about the white knight is that they are not doing this out of nobility, but rather out of dishonesty. They are doing it in an effort to win the woman’s approval and sexual attention from her. He’s willing to throw everyone else under the bus for it.

In general, these males have low self-esteem, sexually depraved, and a lack of social intelligence to get attention from women by any other means. Their acts of white knight behavior are a last ditch effort to get laid or display their value to the world. They may even promote themselves as advocates for women or male feminists, but they are only reinforcing the presumption of female inferiority by their actions.

They are disliked by both feminists and red pill aware men.

Zeroed Out

A horrific condition and this program was started in order to prevent it in your life. This is the rock bottom of a man’s life from which he cannot recover. It often occurs in late forties or early fifties, when he’s handed divorce papers or employment termination or a frivolous litigation that wipes him out.


The wipe out can be more than just financial, but also emotional. In our relationships as well as our businesses, we make deep emotional investments. To lose those destroys an inhe


Another word for "Allure".

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